Which standards trigger presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive? In this - continuously updated - post you will inform you on the latest changes.
Information on the data packages
The list of harmonized standards giving presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC was updated on 2024-05-15:
EU Official Journal: C/2024/3166Publication date: 2024-05-15Legal basis: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
NEW: 7 standards were included in the EU Official Journal for the first time:Successors: Direct successor standards were published for 10 standardsAMENDED: Amendment documents were published for 3 standardsREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL PERIOD): 13 standards will be removed with transition periodRESTRICTION: The standards EN 15700:2023 (belt conveyors for winter sports or leisure activities) and EN 15194:2017+A1:2023 (electric motor assisted wheels) have been published with restrictions
SAFEXPERT-USER: All changes are already available to you on the Safexpert LiveServer.
The list of harmonized standards giving presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC was updated on 2024-04-30:
EU Official Journal: C/2024/2641Publication date: 2024-04-30Legal basis: Machinery Directive 2006/42/ECRESTRICTION: 4 standards have been published in the OJEU with a restriction:
The list of harmonized standards giving presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC was updated on 2023-08-02:
EU Official Journal: 2023/L 194Publication date: 2024-08-02Legal basis: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
NEW: 20 standards were included in the EU Official Journal for the first time:Successors: Direct successor standards were published for 63 standardsAMENDED: Amendment documents were published for 10 standards.REMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL PERIOD): 63 standards will be removed with transition period as of 2025-02-02RESTRICTION: The standard EN 11850:2011 including the amendments A1:2016 and A2:2022 was published with restrictions
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) was updated on 2023-01-10.
Official Journal of the EU: L 007 Publication Date: 2023-01-10 Legal basis: Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)RESTRICTION: The standard EN 15194:2017 was published with a restriction.
SAFEXPERT-USERS: All changes are already available on the Safexpert Live Server.
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) was updated on 2022-04-13:
Official Journal of the EU: L 115 Publication Date: 2022-04-13 Legal basis: Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)NEW: 3 standards were published in the Official Journal for the first time:
SUCCESSOR: For 13 standards direct successors were publishedAMENDMENT: For 3 standards amendments were publishedREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL PERIOD): 13 standards will be removed with transition period as per 10/11/2023.
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EG) was updated on 2021-10-15:
Official Journal of the EU: L 366 Publication Date: 2021-10-15 Legal basis: Machinery Directive (2006/42/EG)NEW: 4 standards were published in the Official Journal for the first time:
SUCCESSOR: For 21 standards direct successors were publishedGEÄNDERT: For 1 standard an amendment was published ENTFERNT (MIT ÜBERGANGSFRIST): 28 standards will be removed with transition period as per 04/15/2023, one standard per /05/02/2023.
The list of harmonized standards which give presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EG) was updated on 2021-03-03:
Official Journal of the EU: L 72Publication Date: 2021-03-03Legal basis: Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)NEW: One standard was published in the Official Journal for the first time (EN 62745:2017 incl. A1:2020)
SUCCESSOR: For 18 standards direct successors were publishedAMENDED: For 8 standards amendments were publishedREMOVED (WITH TRANSITIONAL TIME): 17 standards will be removed with transition period as per 09/03/2022
The list of harmonised standards giving presumption of conformity for the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC was updated on 2020-04-02:
EU Official Journal: 2020/L 102/6Publication Date: 2020-04-02Legal basis: Machinery Directive 2006/42/ECNEW: 26 new standards were published for the first timeTRANSITIONAL PERIOD: 24 standards were given a transitional period